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be from:来自于


1、be different from 不同于 ; 和什么不一样 ; 与什么不同 ; 不同

2、be freed from 免受 ; 没有 ; 异国

3、be divorced from 毫无瓜葛 ; 脱离 ; 毫无关系 ; 毫有联系

4、be disengaged from work 脱产

5、be tired from 因 ; 而疲乏 ; 而厌倦 ; 而疲惫

6、be discharged from hospital 出院 ; 是出院的另一种表达

7、be far from sp 离某地远 ; 离某地很远 ; 离开某地远的

8、be absent from work 旷工

9、be exempt from 被免除 ; 得到豁免 ; 免除 ; 免于



1、This might be from others who are doing the same thing as you — friends or family, or people in your community.


2、Some of the stuff you get in Decide will be from Do, namely, stuff that you have to re-decide upon. That’s what I wanted to say with “working both ways”.


3、The facilitator can be from either inside or outside the team, as long as he or she is a knowledgeable person whose professional skills are known and respected.


4、Plutonium, believed to be from one of the damaged reactors, has been found in nearby soil, although Tepco insists this does not pose a threat to human health.


5、I write against the authoritarianism of traditional Chinese culture, and the government happens to be from that culture.


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柳的拼音怎么写(柳的音符为什么不标在i的上方) 健身房英文(体育馆用英文怎么说) remote是什么意思(相机上的REMOTE是什么意思) 轮流的拼音(‘更叠’哪一个字错了) reunion怎么读中文(reunion的发音,谐音) 欣赏的英文(欣赏的英文单词怎么说) 有效的英语(“采取有效措施”用英语怎么说?最好能多说几种 小说的英语(小说英语是什么) 瘦削的意思(瘦削单薄的意思) 调查的英文(sample是什么意思)
