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I knew I had chosen the right movie not long after the opening scene. The story follows an 11-year-old girl named Riley who is struggling to adapt after moving to a new place. But the maincharacters are actually five personified emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. They liveinside Riley’s mind and help advise her through everyday life. This “boldly abstract premise”, asThe Guardian puts it, got me intrigued almost immediately

关键字:英语 / 读后感 / 500字 / 观后感 / 头脑 / 五句 / 工队 / 
关于知己的诗句(知音知己的诗句或名言) 夏洛的网好句(夏洛的网好句摘抄10) 季氏将伐颛臾全文断句(季氏将伐颛臾段落划分) 形容温柔的成语(夸人温柔的四字成语) 霸气队名和口号(女生队名口号大全霸气) 过年说的祝福语(过年送福字的祝福语) 关于彼岸花的句子(彼岸花的古风句子) 企业文化励志标语口号(牛年公司祝福口号) 山羊不吃天堂草读后感(山羊不吃天堂草读后感?450字左右) 描写初雪的诗句(初雪,诗句)
