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Dying to Survive is a feature film directed by Muye Wen, co-supervised by Ning Hao and Xú Zhēng, and starring Xú Zhēng, Zhou Yiwei, Eric Wang, Tan Zhuo, Zhang Yu and Yang Xinming.

The film was released in China on July 5th, 2018.

The film tells the story that Cheng Yong, the owner of Shenyou Store, jumped from a male health care product vendor who couldn't pay the rent to become the exclusive agent of Indian generic drug "Gelenin".

关键字:英语 / 电影 / 介绍 / 不是 / 作文 / 保险 / 观后感 / 药神 / 
关于小雪的诗句(你知道小雪节气的诗吗) 美丽的大海(大海边散落着一个个什么的贝壳填空) 我最难忘的人(暑假中令你最难忘的一个人作文) 班级口号霸气押韵8字(小学五年级班级口号霸气押韵励志) 我的六一儿童节(我想过一个怎样的六一儿童节的作文) 二年级语文下册课本(小学课文中,以萧红为作者的有哪些课文 爱情的句子经典(爱情唯美语录经典语录) 元旦策划案(庆元旦的内容怎么写) 健身励志语录(健身励志句子我要赢) 郑成功的故事300字(郑成功开发丝绸之路的故事)
