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1。早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈。 (此项由体育委员负责执行)。

2。 。课间操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈。(此项由体育委员负责执行)。

3。早锻炼跑步时要保持队伍整齐,跑步不认真,排队列不整齐的同学再罚跑两圈,中途偷懒少跑的同学罚跑3圈。 (此项由体育委员负责执行)。


( 此项由班长负责执行)

5。无故不出操者,罚跑足球场5圈,并写500字犯错误认识书。 (此项由体育委员负责执行)。


( 此项由班长负责执行)。

7。体育课必须穿着运动鞋,不按要求穿着的罚跑足球场5圈,并写300字认识书。 (此项由体育委员负责执行)。

1。 Late morning exercise (to stop a march later), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice。

(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation)。

2。。 school's facilities late ( Marche to stop whichever is the greater), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice。

(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation)。

3。 Morning Exercises when running to maintain orderly, running seriously and queuing out irregularly students then run off twice, less halfway around the lazy students to run off three circles。

(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation)。

4。 2 parade sick to emergency class teacher or the squad leave, do not leave Kuang parade, run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes。

(from this squad is responsible for the implementation of)

5。 no undue parade, run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes。

(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation)。

6。 assembly, flag raising and other activities by the queue squad responsible for the collation and the request queue up late and leave early halfway。

Quarrels then such discipline to run off pitches twice。 (from the squad for this implementation)。

7。 PE must wear sports shoes, not wearing the required run off five pitches circle, and write 300 words on awareness。

(This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation)。

关键字:十条 / 一年级 / 小学生 / 班规 / 
2021年农村小学学校工作总结(昆明小学毕业考试时间2021) 幼儿园保健医工作计划(对托幼机构卫生保健人员主要培训什么 农业项目商业计划书(我是农民,农产品批发创业商业计划书该怎 学好高中数学的方法和技巧(高二如何快速提高数学成绩) 综合法律知识考试系统(企业法律顾问资格证怎么考? 考什么) 劳动法关于年休假的最新规定(民法典关于年休假的规定) 应聘登记表模板(求职登记表主要职责怎么填) 员工品质意识培训ppt(品质部、生产部、PMC部等岗位职能职责说明 潍坊人社局职称评审(潍坊2021副高级教师职称什么时间公示) 学习方法ppt(怎样学习PPT)
