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Good Health

At present, with the social development, especially in the economic, more and more people concern about the good health and long after the excellent bodies. At the same time, how to properly treat a health is a key problem.

From the point of my view, begining with, exercise is essential. Running, swimming, climbing and playing the balls are the correct approaches to keeping healthy, meanwhile, you don't give up halfway and stick to exercise every day. When it comes to the eating, you'd better eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to eat less fried and junk food. You should reduce the times of going Pizza Hut, KFC and McDonald's. What's more, don't be a sofa potato and go outside together with friends or family much more often.

As everyone, good health is an important thing in our life. Only hold the good health, can we gain the more, like a good mark, making a living well, getting a great achievement and so on. Therefore, let's take an active part in good health, the earlier, the better.

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