生气 irate miff at pique out of temper with sb. paddywhack sulk pet out of temper be exasperated against get a miff ruffle take offence biod take in a wrong spirit worked up with tail out 例句与用法:1. 他生气时就大叫,这是常...
when /wen/ adv. (疑问副词)什么时候 month /mʌnθ/ n. 月;月份 January /dʒænjuəri/ n. 一月 February /februəri/ n. 二月 March /man/ n. 六月 July /dʒulai/ n. 七月 August /ɔti/ n. 聚会;晚会 first /fəd/ num. 第三 f...