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How to get along well with your parents?

I get on well with my parents . I love them very much . After supper , We always watch TV ,talking the things happen to us today . We are very happy to spend time playing games together .

Although sometimes we in disagreement ,it can't continue for one day .

Once I failed my test , they weren't angry with me. Instead , they helped me find out the reason and help me find comfidence anew(重新) . And at the next exam , I was successful.

I think we should spend more our free time chatting with them and telling them something about yourself they want to know.

Next regard your parents as your friends. We are in youthhood(青春期) now . We begin to hate our parents' chatter(唠叨).We always like talking to our friends than to our parents . We always think our parents can't know us better than our friends. But we don't know it's love.

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